Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Star Wars Experience

Last night my Dad, three other kids, and I ran through furious rain to pack ourselves away in his car so we could go watch the new Star Wars film on the big screen.
After the commercials had blared their message and we had spillled our large tubs of uttery popcorn several times the lights faded and the movie we had come to see began.
It was your typical movie magic experience with comfy but scratchy blue seats beneath you, large speakers surrounding you - belching out their 'noise', and the smell of Coke everywhere. Until, He came.

About halfway through the film who should walk into the room but Darth Vader. Well, it was actually an employee dressed up. You know, to add to the experience. It was pretty cool until the girl I was sitting next to whispered in my ear, "I've never seen a potbelly Sith!" also the little boy behind my seat jumped off of his own chair and hid behind mine while he whined, "I'm scared of Darth Vader Daddy!"
What can I say to that?


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