Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kiss Me, I'm A Vegetarian?

OK, what's with all the veagans and vegetarians for goodness sakes? Most of them aren't even doing it for the animals! If you're going to give up meat you need a reason. What's most people's reason?

a. Because when they see antlers they see Bambi.
b. Because they don't want to eat pink cuddly pigs.
c. Because it sounds cool to say, "yeah, I'm a vaegan. I eat tofu." (Yum.)

Are any of those really good reasons, not really.
The truth is that our World is unfortunately filled with people labeled 'posers.' I'm sure you've heard the word before (or maybe even met one of th clan memebers?), but that's life for you. Just when you think you brillisntly come up with something completely AMAZING...someone else steals it and claims it as there own. Major bummer.
See, the clique of posers is filled with people that are too lazy to come up with stuff themselves so they steal everyone elses creative and original ideas and claim to have come up with them by pure inspiration. (Or maybe even from the heart if their in the mood for corny!) Usually posers result to this criminal act because they were born with a brain of complete mush. Their totally uninspired and compulsive liars who think they can carry it off. Too bad they can't. Why don't they just be themself and do their own thing? Why can't they leave us alone? I guess no one knows except posers themselves. Listen, the worst thing you can do is steal someone elses 'thing' and make it famous.
It's not hard to be you, the real you. Not some crummy second-helper.
Inspiration is everywhere in everything! Be yourself, everyone will love you for you. Say what you think because the ones who mind don't matter and the ones that matter don't mind at all!


P.S. I know that this post was maybe on the harsh side for all the posers out there, but, I am actually a former poser class A (yes, there are classes, I aced in all mine). So I can get away with this because I know and I'm trying to help everyone else out there with poser syndrome. TRust me, it's not one of those sick cases that you get that actually allow you to skip school. You know, the kind where you're too sick to go to school, but not too sick to watch TV. (Thank goodness!)
If I offeneded you in any way, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help. Honestly.

P.S. How on earth did I get from vaegans to posers? I am so weird!

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