Monday, August 11, 2008

Funny Story

Ok, I heard the funniest story yesterday (except for the people in it) and I just have to share it with you:
This girl walks up to her boyfriend at school and just starts telling him how much she loves him and stuff like that, and the boy looks at the girl and says "lover without the 'l' spells over." Well the girl starts bawling and sputtering and the guy just stands there acting all cool while he sips his Mountain Dew. Well the girl's best friend had seen the WHOLE thing and she was outraged. And boys you can mess with your girlfriend but you don't ever EVER want to mess with your girlfriend's bff. So the bff of the girl walks over to the boy and gets right up in his face and says "how dare you do that to my bff!" and the boy just stands there sipping his Mountain Dew which makes the bff really mad so she says "if I was your girlfriend I would poison your Mountain Dew!" and the boy looks at her and says "girl, if you were my girlfriend I would drink it." and saying that he walked off.
See? Wasn't that hilarious? (Except for the girl)



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