Friday, September 5, 2008

A Year Of Stride (Gum)

Have you ever noticed how on Stride's packets they have little notes of things that people sent in on their website ( of what they were going to do while they chewed their gum.
This afternoon I bought a packet for myself (because I am a VERY big fan of Stride!), I absolutely LOVED all the little "Things I PLan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride"s. So that gave me this idea; why not every time I buy a Stride pack I post all the little "Things I Plan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride"s! Wouldn't that be cool? Well, even if it doesn't seem cool to you, maybe it will seem amusing. I like reading what people have to say.
So here's my first ever contribution to this year-long post:

  1. Ski Austria
  2. Learn to yodel
  3. Electric slide across the state of Mississippi
  4. Create a life-size replica of Stonehenge using clothespins
  5. Train to tear a phonebook in half

OK, I don't know about you but I'm going to add all of those to my, 'Things I Have To Do Before I Die' list. Yeah, those were good.
This afternoon, when I got home, and chewed into my first piece of goodness I submitted my own little contribution to this post by going to and adding this 'Thing I Plan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride,':

Practice my kissing skills on my pillows

See? Anyone can do that!


Drewe Llyn said...

LOL! I love your list!

Elysa said...

I know, isn't it cute?