Wednesday, September 3, 2008

INCREASE THE PEACE! with me. OK? Alright, here are five tips on how to increase peace:
  • If someone slaps you, DON'T turn your cheek. Throw them off a cliff. Therefore decreasing slaps, therefore increasing the peace!
  • If someone takes your shirt don't lift a finger, you're showing grace and the guy that stole your shirt probably had big muscles so you're being smart!
  • If you see someone stealing a cigarette lighter don't say anything. After all, ignorance is peace and the more people think that we have a better World the more peace passed around!
  • Don't go into the army. Who cares if Iraq and Russia sromp us because we don't have an army? At least we will be dying peacefully.
  • And last one (thanks for bearing with me through this list), sneak away to a hide-y hole and totally shield yourself from the World. You can't harm anything if there's nothing around to harm. Savvy?

Alright, so that's my list. I hope it helps you increase the peace!


P.S. If you didn't know this whole list has been a big bag of sarcasm. If you really want to increase the peace then don't do anything that I have put on this list! I repeat, do not!

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