Friday, September 5, 2008

Flashback 4#

Once again, I'm late on posting this diary entry! Uggghhhh...where does all the time go? *Groan* OK, so here goes:

Dear Paris, [Paris was my imaginary bff] [I wrote this when I was ten]
my little brother, Kian, is doing soccer this Spring and their referee is too cute to be true! I mean, he has long, blond hair, and he's like, five foot eight, and his face is like an angel's face. AND he's so fast, I mean like FAST! And his voice is an angel's voice [I needed help]. Chase, that's his name. Isn't it a nice name?

WOW! I was a cornflake! Geez, I just LOVE reading my old twenty-something diaries, they bring tears of laughter. Don't you like looking back at the old you? It brings memories (and LOTS of 'em!).
See you next week when I post to the thousands of HomeschoolBlogger users and viewers my first ever shaving experience. Now THAT was a hoot! Hehehehe:)
Goodbye from a major cornybunch,

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