Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Memoirs of a Postcard OR This Made Me Laugh...Hehehe:)))
[This letter was written in July 13, 1990 by my aunt when she went some Summer over to our homeland, Scotland.]
Dear Jim,
We visited Loch Ness today. It was beautiful but unfortunately, it was tourist-orientated. I tried Scotch today for the first and last time. It was a single malt whiskey and after I swallowed I couldn't breathe! I guess I am not a hardcore drinker - in fact, I am coming to believe that I'm not a drinker at all! Warm beer is so awful! Tomorrow we visit Kirkaudbright - I hope it is beautiful. I love you and miss you. I'll call the 22nd. Deidra.
Wow, I love my aunt! I don't now if she would be mad or not that I posted her postcard for millions to view but she won't ever know so it's OK. Mum's the word!
The 'Gems' Of The Week
"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." ~Anonymous [Tomorrow]
"What is right to be done cannot be done too soon." ~Jane Austin (don't you just love that woman?) [Wednesday]
"The world is but a canvas to the imagination." ~Henry David Thoreau [Thursday]
"Failing to appreciate the finer details in life is like eating dirt when you could have the buffet." ~Anonymous [Friday]
"If you weren't real, I'd make you up." ~Anonymous [Saturday]
"All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within." ~Horace Friess [Sunday]
Book Update
Thank you so much for hanging in while I slowly but determinedly continue working on this book, someday I'll be published (hopefully) and I'll send you all a free copy. Just kidding, just kidding.
A Grain Of Sand's 5 Senses
This is what grains of sand experience everyday, every week, every year, year after year. For eternity. That is the day in the life of a grain of sand.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The 'Gems' Of The Week
- "Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon." - Winnie the Pooh
- "If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child."
- "Death is terrifying because it is so ordinary. It happens all the time."
- "So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land." - Peter Pan
I hope those get you through the week, they are sure helping me!
Childhood Imagination
But now I'm older and I have a lot of questions. And my days aren't filled with catching grasshoppers or feasting on mudpies anymore. I'm in that stage where I'm stuck between a caterpillar and a butterfly. I've made my cacoon but I haven't immerged yet as a radiant new creature. I'm still a little of the old me, but I'm also a little of the new me. I'm split between and time is running out for me to be neutril. Things have changed and I need to figure things out. I still, thankfully, have my childhood imagination, I haven't lost that, yet, to the sensible way adult's think. I'm still me. But, I'm not.
Just this Spring people could pass me up as an eleven year old sunshinee girl, but now postladies are asking me if I'm the eldest over my fourteen year old sister (yeah, she wasn't happy about that).
I have a lot of questions without answers, I have a lot of ideas and dreams that I can't fulfill because I'm too young. I'm stuck in the middle and I don't know how to get out.
When am I going to fly as a butterfly?
Friday, September 5, 2008
That Place
A Year Of Stride (Gum)
This afternoon I bought a packet for myself (because I am a VERY big fan of Stride!), I absolutely LOVED all the little "Things I PLan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride"s. So that gave me this idea; why not every time I buy a Stride pack I post all the little "Things I Plan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride"s! Wouldn't that be cool? Well, even if it doesn't seem cool to you, maybe it will seem amusing. I like reading what people have to say.
So here's my first ever contribution to this year-long post:
- Ski Austria
- Learn to yodel
- Electric slide across the state of Mississippi
- Create a life-size replica of Stonehenge using clothespins
- Train to tear a phonebook in half
OK, I don't know about you but I'm going to add all of those to my, 'Things I Have To Do Before I Die' list. Yeah, those were good.
This afternoon, when I got home, and chewed into my first piece of goodness I submitted my own little contribution to this post by going to www.stridegum.com and adding this 'Thing I Plan To Do Before I Finish This Piece Of Stride,':
Practice my kissing skills on my pillows
See? Anyone can do that!
Flashback 4#
See you next week when I post to the thousands of HomeschoolBlogger users and viewers my first ever shaving experience. Now THAT was a hoot! Hehehehe:)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
- If someone slaps you, DON'T turn your cheek. Throw them off a cliff. Therefore decreasing slaps, therefore increasing the peace!
- If someone takes your shirt don't lift a finger, you're showing grace and the guy that stole your shirt probably had big muscles so you're being smart!
- If you see someone stealing a cigarette lighter don't say anything. After all, ignorance is peace and the more people think that we have a better World the more peace passed around!
- Don't go into the army. Who cares if Iraq and Russia sromp us because we don't have an army? At least we will be dying peacefully.
- And last one (thanks for bearing with me through this list), sneak away to a hide-y hole and totally shield yourself from the World. You can't harm anything if there's nothing around to harm. Savvy?
Alright, so that's my list. I hope it helps you increase the peace!
P.S. If you didn't know this whole list has been a big bag of sarcasm. If you really want to increase the peace then don't do anything that I have put on this list! I repeat, do not!